Thursday, November 1, 2012

Going to the dentist... eek

I found a dentist that is in-network with my insurance. They are less than a mile from the house, in fact, we pass them every day to and from work. After some prompting from my husband, I called and made an appointment for both of us on the fifteenth of November. *eek*

It's been a very long time since I've been to a dentist. I'm kind of embarrassed to admit that, but former job didn't offer dental insurance and neither did any of my other minimum wage jobs. I've spent my entire adult life up until now barely making ends meet so I didn't make seeing the dentist much of a priority. If your teeth weren't bothering you, why worry about it? I know that isn't a good attitude, but it was how I thought. 

Still... the dentist. Even when I was a kid I hated going to the dentist. And now that I'm an adult, I STILL don't like going. But I will. For my husband if for nothing else. He can't ignore a gaping hole in his back molar. He's going to need a crown, at the very least.  So if he can man up and do what's right for his teeth, well, so can I.

But I still don't like going. What can I say? I'm a coward.

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